Hearing Loops

There is a new form of help for people who suffer from hearing loss. This recycling of previous technology is called a hearing loop, and has the ability to help hundreds of people in a given room hear better than ever before. This device is incredibly simple and versatile, which has led to many people underestimating its abilities and overestimating the cost. Here we will take a look at the way that the hearing loop works, what the hearing loop is made of, and where they are already seeing usage.

What Is A Hearing Loop?

A hearing loop is a two-part device that combines its effects in order to provide great hearing to people within its range. It consists of a modern hearing aid or cochlear implant device being used and tuned to a specific setting. The other item that is used in conjunction with the hearing aid is a cable that acts as the physical loop portion of the hearing loop. Combined, the individuals in a moderate to large room are able to listen to conversations and sound in a much clearer manner.

So How Does It work?

The first part of the hearing loop is the coil of cable that is spread throughout a room. This simple cable is linked to a receiver device that allows it to pick up sound and convert it into an electromagnetic signal. This signal permeates the room and allows for the sounds to be picked up again and transformed back into clear sound. This requires the use of a telecoil, a part originally designed to help increase phone coverage, in order to pick up the sound signals.

That is where the modern form of hearing aids comes into play. These hearing aids mostly come equipped with a telecoil receiver part that is activated by using the T-switch on a hearing aid. This tunes the hearing aid to the sounds that are occurring in this specific room, letting the individual hear someone giving a speech or presentation. With two simple and pre-existing technologies, people have had a significant improvement made to their hearing.

Where Can I Find Them?

There are some places in cities that have already started using hearing loops within their buildings. Mostly you will find them in big public libraries, convention centers, and town halls. However, some taxis and buses have even started using hearing loops in the vehicles to help people with hearing impairment understand them better. As more and more people see the benefits and inexpensive nature of these hearing loops, they continue to gain favor in the public eye as well as with investors.

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