Answering the Question: What is Conductive Hearing Loss?

An individual who suffers from conductive hearing loss has trouble hearing due to a problem in their ear’s ability to conduct sound waves. This may be attributable to a congenital absence or malformation of the ear or as a result of an obstruction in the ear canal.

In many cases conductive hearing loss can be treated, completely restoring normal hearing ability.

Many hereditary issues may cause conductive hearing loss. A person may have been born lacking an ear canal or the ear canal might not have opened correctly at birth. Deformation of inner ear components can inhibit optimal hearing. In certain situations these challenges can be treated through surgery. Others are best addressed with a hearing aid. Congenital problems are one of the less frequent reasons behind conductive hearing loss.

One of the more frequent grounds for conductive hearing loss is an accumulation of wax or fluid in the outer ear. Wax buildup and infections of the ear can decrease one’s hearing ability. Ear infections can be treated with prescription antibiotics while cleansing the ear might be sufficient in eliminating ear wax buildup.

Conductive hearing loss may also be caused by buildup in the middle ear. The most typical reason for this issue is fluid accumulation. Ear infections are a common cause of this issue, particularly in kids. Sinus pressure from the common cold or allergies can put pressure on the middle ear, putting a damper on an individual’s ability to hear. Tumors in the middle ear can also be responsible for conductive hearing loss, however this disorder is uncommon.

Foreign bodies in the ear canal or perforated eardrums are other issues that may contribute to conductive hearing loss. This type of hearing loss can occur by itself, but it may also occur in addition to hearing loss from noise exposure. If you or your child are suffering from unexplained hearing loss, consult a hearing care specialist right away. Oftentimes full hearing can be recovered with proper treatment.

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