Does Hearing Loss Get Worse As You Get Older?

Man with hearing problems or hearing loss. Hearing test concept.

Is age a factor in the progression of hearing loss? Hearing loss is a common gradually advancing condition that impacts all adults. Half of people over the age of 75 have difficulty with their hearing, as a matter of fact.


The slowly developing condition of hearing loss as we get older is generally known as presbycusis. Typically, there will be a variety of elements contributing to this condition.

As we grow older, our ears go through changes. There are little hair cells in your ears that detect waves of sound and transmit the signals to the brain to be translated as sound.

The beginning of hearing loss takes place when the hair cells are damaged or destroyed. These hair cells do not regenerate or grow back, so any hearing loss is permanent.

A few of the causes of hearing loss include the following:

  • Exposure to loud sound consistently over long periods of time.
  • Heredity plays a role in hearing loss.
  • Certain medicines including chemotherapy drugs raise the risk.
  • The risk of hearing loss is increased by regularly listening to loud music, especially with headphones.
  • Smoking increases the risk of hearing loss.
  • Certain medical disorders including diabetes can lead to hearing loss.

Typical symptoms of age-related hearing loss

Typical symptoms of presbycusis include lack of clearness when people speak, trouble hearing soft voices including kids, and trouble hearing when there’s background sound.

Additionally, increasing the TV volume, asking people to repeat what they said, and ringing in your ears can also be signs of hearing loss.

The benefit of treating age-related hearing loss

Neglected hearing loss reduces quality of life. Untreated hearing loss is connected to depression, despair, stress, cognitive decline, poor social relationships, and the risk of dementia.

Instead of these issues, consider possible treatments, including hearing aids, sign language for those who have extreme hearing loss, telephone amplifiers, lip reading, or a cochlear implant.

Suffering with age-related hearing loss isn’t something that anyone should have to do. You can still live a full and enjoyable life.

If you or someone you love is coping with hearing loss, call us today to schedule a hearing assessment!

Older Adults — Hearing Health Foundation
Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults | National Institute on Aging (
Seniors and Hearing Loss – American Academy of Audiology

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.