Several Shocking Statistics about Hearing Loss in the United States

Do you have a loved one that needs a hearing aid, or at a minimum a hearing test, but resists your advice? Discussing some of the data related to the prevalence, causes and effects of hearing loss may finally encourage them to make that initial appointment.

Below are some facts and stats that may help you make your case (and shock you too):

  • Nearly one of every 5 people in the United States have some type of hearing loss – that is 36 million people!
  • The number of Americans with hearing loss has doubled in the last 30 years.
  • Of those aged 65 and older, an average of 13% experience ringing in the ears.
  • Ten million people have irreversible hearing loss because of noise, and 30 million more are exposed to dangerous levels of noise every day.
  • Of the people who could really benefit from using a hearing aid, just one out of five people wears one.
  • Hearing loss categorization studies report that 5% of cases are severe, 30% moderate and 65% are classified as mild.
  • High frequency hearing loss caused by recurring loud noise exposure impacts about 26 million people in the US (ages 20-69). This consists of regular noise exposure from both work and leisure sources.
  • People with hearing loss wait an average of approximately ten years before doing anything about it. Does that describe you?
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