You Should Get a Hearing Assessment if You Observe Any of These 7 Signs

Man carrying freshly harvested bananas on his back.

Bananas taste a lot different then they did in the past. That’s because modern banana farmers grow a very different type of banana then they used to. Today’s banana can grow easily in a wide variety of climates, are more resilient, and can grow faster. They don’t taste the same either. So how did this change take place without us detecting it? Well, the change wasn’t a fast one. You never noticed the gradual change.

The same thing can occur with your ears and hearing loss. It isn’t like you get up one day and can’t hear anything. For the majority of people, hearing loss develops gradually, frequently so slowly that you don’t really recognize what’s taking place.

Early treatment can really help maintain your hearing so that’s a regrettable truth. If you know that your hearing is in danger, for example, you may take more safeguards to protect it. So it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for these seven signs of waning hearing.

You should get your hearing tested if you exhibit any of these 7 indicators

Hearing loss isn’t always well grasped as it happens slowly over time. It isn’t as if you’ll be totally incapable of hearing the day after you went to that big rock show. Repeated exposure to loud sound over a long period of time slowly leads to recognizable hearing loss. So monitoring your hearing early will be the best way to safeguard it. You don’t want to put off on this because untreated hearing loss has been linked to issues such as social isolation, depression, and dementia.

You should, uh, watch out for these seven signs that you may be developing hearing loss. The only way to know for certain is to get a hearing assessment, but these signs might encourage you to make an appointment earlier than you otherwise would have.

Sign #1: You keep turning up the volume on your devices

Do you find yourself constantly reaching for the volume controls? Sure, possibly it’s just that all of your favorite actors and artists have begun to mumble, or that the sound mixing on TV shows is dramatically different than it used to be. But it’s also possible (if not likely) that you’re hearing is gradually going, and that you’re raising the volume of your favorite TV show or music to compensate.

This is especially the case if your family has also constantly been telling you that the TV is too loud. They can often spot hearing issues in you faster than you can.

Sign #2: You didn’t hear your phone ringing (or the doorbell)

If you’re regularly missing some everyday sounds, that could be a sign of issues with your ears. Here are a few common sounds you could be missing:

  • Someone knocking on your door or ringing your doorbell: When your good friend suddenly walks into your house, take into account the possibility that they did in fact knock, you simply missed it.
  • Timers and alarms: Did you burn dinner or sleep or sleep through the ringing of your alarm clock? It might not be because your cook timer or alarm clock is not loud enough.
  • Your phone: Are you missing text messages? Nobody makes phone calls nowadays, so you’re more likely to miss a text message than a phone call.

If your family and friends have stated that they’re a little scared of driving with you because you’re missing so many common sounds (from honking horns to the beeping of a truck in reverse), that could be an indication that it’s time for a hearing test.

Sign #3: You’re always asking people to repeat what they said

Are your most commonly used words “what?” or “pardon?”? If you’re constantly needing people to repeat what they said, it’s very, very possible it’s not because of them, it’s because of you (and your hearing). This is particularly true if people do repeat themselves and you still don’t hear what they say. Probably, time to get a hearing test.

Sign #4: It sounds like everybody’s always mumbling

This one goes fairly well with #3 and we might even call it #3-A. If it sounds like everyone around you is constantly mumbling or talking under their breath, the truth is… well, they probably aren’t. It’s stressful to always feel like people are mumbling about you, so it may be a relief to find out they’re actually not. The reality is that you’re simply not hearing them because of your loss of hearing.

If you’re attempting to talk to somebody in a noisy setting or with someone who has a high pitched voice this can be especially relevant.

Sign #5: Loved ones keep recommending you have your hearing tested

You most likely have a pretty close relationship with your friends and family. And some of them probably have healthy hearing. If your family members (particularly younger) are informing you that something is wrong with your hearing, it’s a good plan to listen to them (no pun intended).

We get that it’s all too easy to sort of rationalize this recommendation away. Perhaps you tell yourself it was just a bad day or whatever. But you could give your hearing an advantage by heeding their advice.

Sign #6: You hear ringing in your ears (or experience vertigo)

Ringing in your ears is a condition called tinnitus. It’s very common. When you’re dealing with hearing loss, your tinnitus can become extreme for a couple of reasons:

  • Damage can trigger both: Damage triggers both tinnitus and hearing loss. So you’re more likely to experience tinnitus and hearing loss the more damaged your hearing is.
  • Hearing loss can make tinnitus more pronounced: In your typical day-to-day life, tinnitus can be overwhelmed by the everyday noises you experience. But as hearing loss makes those background sounds quieter, tinnitus symptoms come to the front.

In either case, if you’re noticing loud ringing, or even dizziness and vertigo, it could be an indication that something is going on in your ears. This means it’s time to come see us for a hearing test.

Sign #7: You feel fatigued after social engagement

Perhaps the reason why social interactions have become so tiring is because you’ve always been an introvert. Or perhaps, and just hear us out here (again with the puns), your hearing isn’t what it used to be.

Your hearing might be the reason why you feel wiped out after leaving a restaurant or social event. Your brain is trying to fill in the gaps that you can’t hear. This extra effort by your brain can leave you feeling exhausted. So you might experience even more fatigue when you’re in a particularly noisy setting.

Start by coming to see us

The truth is that we all encounter some hearing damage during our lives. Just how much (and how often you were using hearing protection) might have a huge impact on when you develop hearing loss, or if you develop hearing loss at all.

So it might be an indication that the banana is changing if you encounter any of these signs. Happily, you can take matters into your own hands and call us for an appointment. The sooner your hearing loss is identified, the sooner you’ll be able to receive treatment.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.